Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays and A Little Announcement

Quote of the Day:
Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper. It doesn't permanently solve any problems,

but it makes things more acceptable for a while.

~ Unknown~

Current Local Weather:
Showers of urine along with unreasonable
and frequent shit storms on the horizon.

Currently on my iPod:
Lush Life
Kurt Elling
"Dedicated to You"

Dear Friends, Family and my Family of Friends,

Tis the season, eh? Sheesh, has it really been 5 months since my last blog? I suppose so. Want to know what I've been up to?

Here ya go:

World, I would like for you to meet Natalie Jane.
She was born on December 7th at 1020am. 7lbs, 11oz.

So if you were wondering what I was doing with my time, that's about it. Actually, that isn't's just the main piece of the puzzle for now. I would write about the pregnancy and how it absolutely sucked 99.9% of the nine months, but I'm going to save that for when I'm less sleep deprived. This way, I can assure you that it won't just be a top ten list of complaints about living in my own skin and written in a more cohesive manner.

As of right now, Natalie is in a coma from her gluttonous intake of milk. I think I should join her while I can and rest my weary bones.

I promise for a more interesting and informative blog later on.

I hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas and an even better 2011.

Yours in Drool, Darlings and Doing the Right Thing,
